Description. This app is a A simple kids game where they can interact and learn letters with sounds. Many of the alphabet apps i've seen out there are all the same and very basic. I wanted to introduce new and interesting characters and sounds. I worked with 1 developer to create this and created all UX, sounds, UI for this project. See all the craaaaazy animals like the chinchilla and the Mexican hairless dog!
(video: IMG_8135.MOV)
A simple Home screen
Easy to use for kids (my son, in particular) was what I was aiming for on this screen. Moving down a lot of the legal UI to be small and not as prominent as the play button.
Splash screen + About screen
Some screens showcasing the interesting characters I created. On the about screen, some shots out to the team which includes my nephew and my developers daughter for some of the awesome sound effects!
Very simple Navigation
Swipe to go to to the next letter and tap! If not, select the full alphabet view and choose the letter you want to hear!
What was fun with creating some of these characters was trying to think of that kind of sound they would make. Like, what exactly does a norwal or a wooly mammoth sound like?